An article on difficulties faced in pronouncing and writing geographical terms in social science among 9th standard students


Difficulties in pronouncing and writing geographical terms in social science by the standard IX-A students was identified as part of action research. Lack of proper presentation and pronunciation of content, Covid 19 pandemic, online classes etc affected the reading and writing skills of geographical terms  in social science. An action programme was implemented which improved the academic performances of the learners.


    Action research is a process especially adopted for improving the teaching learning situation. It is a deliberate, solution oriented investigation that is done in a group or personally. The term action and research highlight the essential features of this method; where action means trying out new ideas in practice for improving the curriculum, teaching and learning process and the word research means finding a solution to a problem systematically. It can be said that action research, approaches education as a unified exercise. It recognizes the teacher in the class, as the best judge of his/her total educational experience. It is a powerful method of bridging the gap between theory and practice.

Statement of the problem

 A study on difficulties in pronouncing and writing geographical terms in social science among 9th standard students 


  • To find the difficulty in pronunciation and writing of geographical terms
  •  To analyse the causes of the problem
  •  To give suggestive measures to overcome the problem of pronouncing  and writing geographical terms

Hypothesis :-
  •  If the teacher use proper teaching aids for better comprehensive the learning process it will help the students for better understanding of geographical terms
  •  If the teacher teaches new geographical terms it will enhance vocabulary
  •  If the teacher repeat social terms during the class the students understand the correct pronunciation of words
  •  If the teacher conduct dictation in specific intervals, students try to understand and learn to write the terms

Methodology :

 Primary data were used from the 9th standard students through examinations and dictation and reading tests

Analysis and interpretation :-

 During my school internship, I realised that learners have difficulty in reading and pronouncing geographical terms and writing difficulties. I was confirmed it through a pre test. I identified possible causes of the problem and developed and implemented an action programme.

 The major cause for the problem was the lack of proper presentation and pronunciation of content and geographical terms. The pandemic situation of covid-19 had still an impact on educational backwardness among students. Lack of reading and practice, lack of concentration etc seems to be the causes of problem area. 

After finding the problem of students,  I was trying to find the right ways to solve the problem.  For that I formulated hypothesis and testing on it. Through action research, teacher can help each and every students to improve a lot.  

After the implementation of the action plan teacher observed a great change in the pronunciation style and reading habit among students.  Based on the result of post test it was clear that conducting research was a very effective method in improving learning among students.  It also help with the teachers to identify their drawbacks or add new strategies of teaching learning by integrating ICT tools. Action research helps to improve educational practices as it resolve significant problems.

Before the implementation of action plan the scores obtained in the test was not so good.  15 scored below average among 34 students of the class. The average score in pre test was 12. Only 9 could score above average out of which only two could scored more than 90%.

After the implementation of action plan, there could be seen an improvement in the performance of students.  Three Students could scored better earlier, but after the action plan implementation 18 students scored above 90% and only few pupil scored below average. The average score had increased from 12 to 9, which  shows the improvement

Conclusion :-

 Action research is a method of systematic enquiry that teachers undertaking as researchers of their on practice.  In schools, action research refers to a wide variety of evaluative, investigative and analytical research method designed to diagnose a problem whether organisational,  academic or instructional and help educators develop practical solutions to address them quickly and efficiently. The general goal is to create a simple practical  repeatable process.

Action research plays an important role in the preparation and professional development of teachers and pre service teachers. Effective teaching learning method develop speed, accuracy and thinking ability and also in overcoming the difficulties in writing and pronouncing geographical terms
